Saturday, April 13, 2013



The September 26, 1970 Christiania's history begins with the demolition of a fence by parents who wanted land where their children could play. This raises a debate thanks to an article in a newspaper, which makes a lot of people melt Christiania, based on freedom.
This is done in a military field abandoned by the Danish army in 1971. The government also accepted and since then allows the use and sale of soft drugs also include having its own laws and do not pay taxes.

Self-proclaimed autonomous neighbourhood of about 850 residents, covering 34 hectares.
Civic authorities in Copenhagen regard Christiania as a large , but the area has a unique status in that it is regulated by a special law, the Christiania Law of 1989 which transfers parts of the supervision of the area from the municipality of Copenhagen to the state. It was closed by residents in April 2011, whilst discussions continued with the Danish government as to its future, but is now open again.
Christiania has been a source of controversy since its creation in a squatted military area in 1971. Its cannabis trade was tolerated by authorities until 2004. Since then, measures for normalising the legal status of the community have led to conflicts, and negotiations are ongoing.

Flag of Christiania:
The flag of Christiania is a red banner with three yellow discs representing the dots in the "i"s in "Christiania"The colours were supposedly chosen because when the original squatters took over the former military base, they reportedly found a large amount of red and yellow paint.

The 9 common rules:

1-No weapons 6-No bulletproof clothing
2-No hard drugs 7-No sale of fireworks
3-No violence 8-No use of thinderflashes
4-No private cars 9-No stolen goods
5-No bikers colour

Where is Christiania?

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